Diferencia entre revisiones de «Módulo:Aligned table»

De Familia Sanchez Arjona
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(Created page with '-- This module implements {{aligned table}} local p = {} function p.table(frame) local args = (frame.args[3] ~= nil) and frame.args or frame:getParent().args...')
Línea 21: Línea 21:
if type( k ) == 'number' then
if type( k ) == 'number' then
i = math.fmod(k-1,cols) + 1
i = math.fmod(k-1,cols) + 1
entries[ k ] = '<td style="align:' .. align[i] .. '">' .. v .. '</td>'
entries[ k ] = '<td style="text-align:' .. align[i] .. '">' .. v .. '</td>'
if i == 1 then
if i == 1 then
entries[ k ] = '<tr style="vertical-align:top">' .. entries[ k ]
entries[ k ] = '<tr style="vertical-align:top">' .. entries[ k ]

Revisión del 20:09 7 feb 2014

La documentación para este módulo puede ser creada en Módulo:Aligned table/doc

-- This module implements {{aligned table}}

local p = {}

function p.table(frame)
	local args = (frame.args[3] ~= nil) and frame.args or frame:getParent().args
	local entries = {}
	local align = {}
	local cols = tonumber(args['cols'] or '2')
	local res = ''
	for i = 1,cols do
		if args['align' .. tostring(i)] then
			align[ i ] = args['align' .. tostring(i)]
			align[ i ] = 'left'
	for k, v in pairs( args ) do
		if type( k ) == 'number' then
			i = math.fmod(k-1,cols) + 1
			entries[ k ] = '<td style="text-align:' .. align[i] .. '">' .. v .. '</td>'
			if i == 1 then
				entries[ k ] = '<tr style="vertical-align:top">' .. entries[ k ]
			if i == cols then
				entries[ k ] = entries[k] .. '</tr>'
    return '<table>\n' .. table.concat( entries, '\n' ) .. '\n</table>'