Diferencia entre revisiones de «Plantilla:Resize»

De Familia Sanchez Arjona
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(rephrasing following move, +Examples)
m (moved Template:Size to Template:Resize: Revert previous move; the effect of the template is to -re-size text.)
(Sin diferencias)

Revisión del 06:02 5 nov 2006

Template to aid switching font-size for a string of text.


{{size|N|text}}  or  {{size|text}}
N specifies a size, such as "90%", "1.2em", etc. For the default case (the second above), N is set to "90%".

{{size|1.2em|This text is 0.2em larger than normal}}    Plantilla:Size
{{size|80%|This text is 80% normal size}} Plantilla:Size
{{size|This text defaults to 90% normal size}} Plantilla:Size