Diferencia entre revisiones de «Módulo:Category handler/shared»

De Familia Sanchez Arjona
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(make this output either true or false, and switch indentation to tabs)
(add a getNamespaceParameters function)
Línea 2: Línea 2:
-- and its submodules.
-- and its submodules.
local function matchesBlacklist(page, blacklist)
local p = {}
function p.matchesBlacklist(page, blacklist)
for i, pattern in ipairs(blacklist) do
for i, pattern in ipairs(blacklist) do
local match = mw.ustring.match(page, pattern)
local match = mw.ustring.match(page, pattern)
Línea 12: Línea 14:
return {
function p.getNamespaceParameters(titleObj, mappings)
matchesBlacklist = matchesBlacklist
-- We don't use title.nsText for the namespace name because it adds
-- underscores.
local mappingsKey = mw.site.namespaces[titleObj.namespace].name
mappingsKey = mw.ustring.lower(mappingsKey)
return mappings[mappingsKey] or {}
return p

Revisión del 16:55 7 jul 2014

La documentación para este módulo puede ser creada en Módulo:Category handler/shared/doc

-- This module contains shared functions used by [[Module:Category handler]]
-- and its submodules.

local p = {}

function p.matchesBlacklist(page, blacklist)
	for i, pattern in ipairs(blacklist) do
		local match = mw.ustring.match(page, pattern)
		if match then
			return true
	return false

function p.getNamespaceParameters(titleObj, mappings)
	-- We don't use title.nsText for the namespace name because it adds
	-- underscores.
	local mappingsKey = mw.site.namespaces[titleObj.namespace].name
	mappingsKey = mw.ustring.lower(mappingsKey)
	return mappings[mappingsKey] or {}

return p