Diferencia entre revisiones de «Módulo:Parameter names example/doc»

De Familia Sanchez Arjona
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(fix parameter name)
Línea 1: Línea 1:
{{Pnex |template=Infobox |title |above |subheader |image |caption  
{{Pnex |_template=Infobox |title |above |subheader |image |caption  
|header1 |label2 |data2 |label3 |data3 |below}}
|header1 |label2 |data2 |label3 |data3 |below}}

Revisión del 11:59 18 jul 2014

{{{label2}}} {{{data2}}}
{{{label3}}} {{{data3}}}

This module implements {{parameter names example}}. It creates a template demonstration such as the one shown opposite. Please see the template page for full documentation.