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De Familia Sanchez Arjona
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Revisión actual del 14:29 31 may 2016

This module implements the {{side box}} template.

Usage from wikitext

This module cannot be used directly from wikitext. It can only be used through the {{side box}} template. Please see the template page for documentation.

Usage from Lua modules

To use this module from other Lua modules, first load the module.

<source lang="lua"> local mSideBox = require('Module:Side box') </source>

You can then generate a side box using the _main function.

<source lang="lua"> mSideBox._main(args) </source>

The args variable should be a table containing the arguments to pass to the module. To see the different arguments that can be specified and how they affect the module output, please refer to the {{side box}} template documentation.